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På lager: 1
Art.nr: P001DA00
Vennligst velg
Gratis frakt over 1500,-

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Trygg og enkel utsjekk

Dobbel trinse med låsefunksjon og nedfiringsfunksjon.

Denne doble trinsen er designet spesielt for å brukes i ett taljesystem 4:1 
Ved å aktivere kammen, vil en kun være i stand til å dra inn tau. Ved det ergonomiske håndtaket vil en lett kunne åpne kammen og slippe ut på taljen. Ved Svivel i toppen vil det være mye enklere å snu taljen i rett posisjon i forhold til hva man skal løfte.

Detailed description

  • Double progress capture pulley with handle to release cam:
    - Ergonomic handle for easy release of the cam
    - Brake integrated into main moving side plate allowing comfortable and precise control when lowering heavy loads
    - Cam can be locked in the open position to easily feed slack
    - Toothless cam helps preserve the rope and allows for easy transition from lowering to hauling and vice-versa
  • Efficiency is optimized for 4:1 haul systems:
    - Large-diameter sheave mounted on sealed ball bearings for excellent hauling efficiency
    - Main faceted sheave with single-direction rotation provides excellent efficiency when hauling and adds friction zones with the rope for additional braking when lowering heavy loads (more information in the Instructions for Use and in the technical tips at www.petzl.com).
    - Parallel-mounted sheaves and auxiliary attachment point for setting up various types of complex haul systems
  • Easy to use:
    - Triple-action opening of the moving side plates is quick and easy, even with gloves
    - Red indicators provide a visual warning when the side plates are unlocked
    - The rope can be installed with the device connected to the anchor
    - Hole in the handle for installation of a remote control cord
  • Facilitates operations, thanks to the swivel:
    - Allows pulley to be oriented under load
    - Accommodates up to three carabiners
    - Swivel and auxiliary attachment point allows the use of ropes and slings for easier rigging



Petzl er et familieeid selskap som over årene har blitt den største europeiske produsenten av personlig verneutstyr for folk som jobber eller driver med aktiviteter i mørket eller i høyden.

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